LinkedIn is a professional networking site, and while you certainly don’t want to shy away from letting a little bit of your personality shine through, when it comes to how you present yourself visually you need to be careful.
You may think that a casual photo of you at a party with your friends showcases the fact that you are outgoing and friendly. However, a potential employer may take one look at the beer in your hand and decide you may be a liability rather than an asset.
Fair or not, the truth is that potential employers, recruiters and networking contacts are going to look at your profile. Your LinkedIn photo is one of the first impressions that you will make on them. Regardless of how sharp your resume might be, if the image you've uploaded to the site paints an unprofessional picture of you few people are going to stick around to read it.
Keep your headshot simple. Make sure you are dressed appropriately for the workplace. You don't want to be in a swimsuit or in a bizarre Halloween costume. Use your picture to help brand yourself as a professional.
Also, keep shots of your spouse and kids out of the mix as well. During the interview process, employers are not allowed to ask you about your marital status, sexual orientation or a myriad of other personal questions.
There's no need to give them these answers and possibly eliminate yourself from consideration for a potential job just because your choice of picture couldn't keep its big mouth shut.
Also, make sure to update your LinkedIn photo on a somewhat regular basis to reflect any changes in hairstyle or facial hair growth. When your interview is over and prospective employers go to the site to check out your profile you want them to recognize you.
A picture is indeed worth a thousand words. Do your best to make those words speak highly of you.