The Best Job Search Tool Isn’t an App or Spreadsheet.
Are you tired of reading countless self-help blogs in the quest for landing a job? Are you crumbling under the weight of unemployment?For millions, the waking nightmare
of unemployment, and even underemployment, feels like a never-ending cycle of
applications, waiting and researching.
Even the most qualified of job seekers find the mounting pressure of sending out resumes, crafting cover letters and nervously attending interviews overwhelming.
In the quest for employment, many turn to apps and techniques with the hope of snuffing out the endless parade of job applications. Although the modern marketplace is overflowing with invaluable tips and tools, relying too heavily on external assistance is akin to eating an entire cheesecake with a diet soda in the hopes of not gaining weight. It’s simply not going to work.
Passion: The Secret Weapon is Inside Your Mind
When passion is real, people notice. Even a relatively short period of unemployment is capable of draining your passion. It’s as if someone unplugged the drain within your soul, and over time, all passion and motivation seep into the world around you.
Job hunting without the flames of passion lighting your path is destined for failure. When the sparks that once illuminated your dedication and drive go dark, it’s easy to lose your way. Failure to maintain activities, such as researching or engaging with professionals, is a fast way to drain your passion reservoir.
It’s easy to feel as if 100% of your energy must go to filling out job applications and researching potential opportunities. Job hunting requires the bulk of your time - but not all of it. Create projects and tasks that stimulate your passion. Although the kindling may be limited, there’s always enough to keep your fire alive.
Surviving the Inevitable Burnout Phase
Whether it’s growing weary from scouring job boards, or overwhelmed by the
sheer number of daily tasks you awake to each morning, burnout isn’t a
possibility, it’s an inevitability. The only way to survive burnout is to
prepare for its arrival.
Burnout impacts the quality of your applications, but most
importantly, it dulls your personality. Hiring Managers desire an employee
filled with excitement, drive and passion.
By dulling your interest and passion, you may miss unique opportunities during an interview to demonstrate your expertise and personality. Think of your passion as a blade. The longer you exist in the state of burnout, the duller the blade becomes. Ultimately, you’re left with nothing more than a metal rod.
Cherish Your Passion and Let It Thrive
Unfortunately, safeguarding your passion during the job hunt isn’t the same for
everyone. Just as your skills and passions are unique, so are the needs to keep
them fresh and alive.