It's Not Mad to Consult During the Job Search

David Wiley on the Leno show

David G. Willey was a physics professor at the University of Pittsburgh who started taking on consulting jobs as a way to supplement his salary. After all, teachers don't get paid nearly what they are worth.

Although he didn't make much money at first, a funny thing happened while he was doing this extra work. He got discovered by Jay Leno and before too long he was making regular appearances on "The Tonight Show." Soon, he was making appearances all over the country as "The Mad Scientist" and a new career took flight.

When you're unemployed and in the middle of a job search, it might not seem like a good idea to simply "give your work away for free." However, starting up a consulting business of your own is a good way to keep that time on the unemployment line as brief as possible.

At first, you may have to simply volunteer your services, or charge far less than they're worth. But in the long run, this will only serve to help you. Not only will you be making a name for yourself that can lead to referrals and more and more paying clients, but consider the positive impression that your staying active can make.

When you do get that job interview and you are asked what you've been doing lately, which answer do you think will impress your prospective employer more? Do you want to tell them, "I've been looking for work, so I haven't really done anything for the last few months" or would you rather say "I've been working with these three clients on some small projects."

It's always better to stay active in your field of expertise than to sit around feeling sorry for yourself. Starting up your own consulting business is the perfect way to enhance your job search and keep depression at bay.


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