How To Cope With Job Loss

You will find another job.

There is too much job loss shock these days. But I encourage you to be constructive about it from the very start. That’s the best approach to avoid some of the most difficult consequences. It’s normal to feel: fear of the unknown, financial fear, stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. Keep in mind that most of us have faced a layoff of one kind or another that you are not alone. The best thing you can do is to act. Don’t look back. Take action to find a new job. Do something right away and set up a plan to keep busy with a job search. If you worry about your age, don’t waste your time. You are, in fact, getting better. Good cheer is contagious. Employers pick it up from you in interviews. It also changes the tone of the experience and spurs your motivation, so you make that extra effort effortlessly. It helps you see apparent failures as the achievements they are, while gaining a clear eye on areas for improvement.

How do you stay grounded during tough times? Offer your thoughts to help others cope.

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