This poem’s about Garrison Keillor
Whose Prairie Home show seemed quite real, or
Realer than real
With a timeless appeal
That foretells bigger things for said Keillor.
A radio host, name of Keillor,
He couldn’t have kept things much realer.
Though his show’s run its course
He can still be a force
As a homespun midwest wheeler-dealer.
He wasn’t from Maine or Dakota.
His essence was pure Minnesota.
And now that he’s done,
Lake Wobegon’s gone,
Guess the comfort we took reached its quota.
When Keillor first took to the air,
A crowd of just 12 took their chairs.
Now 3 million strong,
We’re saying so-long
Truly Wobegon down to our hair.
As Garrison says his goodbye
You may find a tear in your eye.
It’s been 42 years
Of above average cheer
And the Ketchup Board’s left high and dry.
The loss of Lake Wobegon stings.

The radio no longer sings
In an odd baritone
With a sound all its own.
But Keillor? He’ll do bigger things!
And, With Apologies
When Garrison Keillor first started
His radio gig was uncharted.
But he stuck to his guns.
And the show had some run.
After 42 years, to a bright new career and a whole new frontier (we should buy him a beer!)…
He’s departed.
Minneapolis first brings to mind
A fair Prince, a man clearly divine,
But the state as a whole
Boasts another old soul.
Maybe Keillor’s the man to enshrine.
Let the toasting and praises begin
Now that Keillor has gone with the wind.
After so many years,
Big changes bring tears,
But he’ll surely arise yet again.
A radio face, it is true,
But Keillor, despite that, came through.
An unlikely host,
Yet he kept us engrossed.
His next act should be something, too!
No real Prairie Home could compare
With what Garrison put on the air.
Eating Powdermilk Biscuits
Or Ketchup with Triscuits,
Somehow he’ll return to the fair.

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