Face Your Fears

The job search is an environment in which worry thrives, and that’s not necessarily a sign of trouble. It’s natural, for example, to be anxious before an interview, and sometimes a little anxiety actually helps by keeping us motivated and focused. “Free-floating” anxiety is different. It’s the kind of pervasive anxiety that’s not tied to a specific event. When it gets out of hand, anxiety is everywhere, and that can be paralyzing, not just unpleasant. For starters, put a name to what’s worrying you, whether it’s finances, the fear that you won’t find a job that compares to one you’ve lost, worries about what others think or any other specific concern. Then, at least, you’ll have a target to aim for, and you can direct your energies at specific problems. For more general help, consider meditation or yoga. The payoff isn’t instantaneous, but give one of those tried-and-true methods a chance.

If you need an experienced resume writer and career coach to help you advance to the next level, I can help you craft a game plan and a resume to get you to your goal.


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