It's easy to avoid the job search. It's tough to take action, but doing so gives you the opportunity to improve your situation. Set aside the excuses, of which there are many. The best way to job search is to be: 1) patient and 2) relentless. These days ...
Attention job seekers: The world is smaller than we thought, according to research published by Facebook and the University of Milan, which also provides a twist on the theory, “Six Degrees of Separation,” published in 1967.At last, there’s some science behind job networking. This theory, based on a ...

Finding a new job involves search and self-promotion. The search requires online and plain old sneaker networking. You need to get out there with your charm and the best LinkedIn profile and make connections. You have to get yourself out there, too, with personal branding. This article will give you ...

For a French philosopher, Voltaire had potential as a job search expert. In a poem among his “moral stories,” he said, “The best is the enemy of the good,” a sentiment that has been repeated in many contexts. It’s in the Pareto principle, the 80-20 rule that tells us ...
New college grad in the family? Suggest to your child that a good place to begin thinking about a career and a job search is with the nature of your own unique self. Look within. There are a multitude of questions worth asking: • What matters to you? • What are your ...

We’re all different. We think differently, we feel differently and we respond to the world differently. Yet there are some things almost all of us agree on. Almost all of us agree that the job market is a stressful place, and most of us think “stressful” is a bit ...
The season of resolutions is upon us, but let’s not even go there. That’s not what your job search engine needs. Resolutions are a lot of work. They take willpower. They take energy. Sometimes they fizzle out at the first sign of the slightest trouble. So be it ...

A great work disruption is taking place and if you're thinking about changing careers, you're not alone. Switching vocations and starting a job search has transformed from a rare occurrence to a four (or more) times in a lifetime necessity. And today 41% of the global workforce are considering leaving ...

LinkedIn is today rolling out a new feature the company says will help you look for new jobs without letting your boss find out. The innovation, called Open Candidates, “makes it easier to connect with your dream job by privately signaling to recruiters that you’re open to new job ...

Every executive job search has much
in common with every other job search. The rules of the game don’t
fundamentally change according to industry, geography, or job status.
Despite the commonalities, however,
executives in particular are on a slightly different road than other job
seekers. The difference manifests itself ...

One of the biggest mistakes people make in their Bay Area job search is assuming that the process hasn’t changed much. It has. On the other hand, some older job seekers also overestimate how much hiring has changed. Despite Applicant Tracking System technology and video interviews, the fact remains ...

Recent College Graduates: Develop a Job Search StrategyHow can you launch your job search after getting your degree? It’s hard when you continue to hear reports of how tough a new grad job search can be. Despite stagnant wage growth in the United States, there’s actually some good ...
Job Search Expert Advice - Small Steps in Career Planning Add UpFocusing on the big picture of the executive job search alone is a wonderful way to nurture procrastination. It’s not the best way to do your job search. When you’re faced with a big project break things into ...

It would be nice to just flip a switch and land your dream job.
In reality, though, a job search is an ongoing process that networking is a
crucial part of. No one denies that, but few of us are flinging our caps in the
air about it.
Here are ...

you are job hunting, tax deductions may not be your top priority, but your
expenses may be deductible. If you can use those deductions, you’ll lower the
real cost of job
search services.
In other words, the real cost of getting professional help in your search is
lower ...

The Best Job Search
Tool Isn’t an App or Spreadsheet.Are you tired of reading countless
self-help blogs in the quest for landing a job? Are you crumbling under the
weight of unemployment?
For millions, the waking nightmare
of unemployment, and even underemployment, feels like a never-ending cycle of ...

There must be some people who enjoy the job search. After
all, there are people who wait with gleeful anticipation for the chance to dive
into their income taxes every year.
In the end, though, you don’t have
to love the search. You do, however, have to ...

Not every interview in your job search is a
job interview. Consider the informational interview.
An informational interview is a chance to
meet briefly with someone in your field and talk about that person’s company,
her career, and the industry as a whole. It’s as simple as that ...

to do before accepting the job
You’ve run the
gauntlet of the job search and come out in one piece. In fact, everything has
gone so well that an offer is on the way. All that’s needed is the quick
finalization of a few details, and you ...

How Good Deeds Help Your Cause, Boost Your Skills and Add a Spark to Your LinkedIn ProfileVolunteer work often involves skills and responsibilities that translate nicely to the workplace, but people tend to neglect those activities and say “it wasn’t a real job.”Volunteering as a Big Brother was ...

A job search is an exercise in analysis. You must analyze yourself and also the employer you hope will hire you. Ask not what the employer can do for you; ask what you can do for the employer. Keep that thought in mind throughout your job search, especially during interviews ...

Whether you’re looking for your first job or trying to find a
new job, the process might be as consuming as a full-time job. In fact, if
you’re currently unemployed, you could find yourself spending as much as 30 or
more hours a week on job search-related activities ...

Updating and improving your LinkedIn profile should be at the top of your career improvement resolution list. So should learning to use LinkedIns useful features. Let me explain.Do you want recruiters to find you? They will find you if you have a stand-out LinkedIn profile. Recruiters are spending millions ...

Your LinkedIn profile is an essential job search tool to attract companies. You want your resume and your LinkedIn profile to tell a consistent story. However, while you can modify your resume for each job that you apply to, your LinkedIn profile remains constant.That’s why it is so ...

Why do you receive no response at all
when you apply?
One part of the job search that almost all applicants find
brutally frustrating is the failure of employers to offer any response at all.
As it turns out, that failure doesn’t just happen at the beginning of the ...

You know someone who found a great job in a week. But you’ve been looking for the last six months. What’s wrong with you? Chances are, nothing. It’s entirely possible that your strategy needs help, but that’s why there is help here, and of course, not ...

At first glance, an engineer in the job market looks like a fish out of water. After all, the job market is all about selling – selling yourself to prospective employers – and that’s not a conventional engineering strength. Sales skills aren’t part of the engineering curriculum. As a result ...

“Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems.” – Gever TulleyIn the job search, making assumptions can be a dangerous thing. One assumption that might be especially dangerous right now would be calling off your job search because of the Covid-19 pandemic.Sure ...

Can you and should you back out of a job offer?If you’ve accepted a job offer, what should you do if other opportunities then present themselves?I’m a firm believer in keeping your job options open until the day that you actually start work. Things can fall ...

The essentials of the job hunt don’t really change according to your employment status, but employed searchers do have to consider a number of special issues that don’t affect their unemployed counterparts.10 RULES OF THE ROADRule 1: Mum’s the WordThe first rule of the searching-while-employed club ...

Make Informational Interviews Help Your Job SearchResearch and networking complement each other in your job search. One under-used strategy takes advantage of that overlap and should be part of every applicant’s arsenal: the informational interview.Despite its value, the informational interview has become the poor relation in the family ...

Your resume worked. Your interview preparation put you in contention for the job. What next? What are the rules for following up after a job interview?If you halt your efforts to reach an employer after interviewing, you may undo much of what you have accomplished so far.There’s ...

Companies really do hire employees between Thanksgiving and mid-January. I see it every year. Do not pause your job search during the holiday months.Job search websites have sometimes listed more jobs in holiday months than at other times.Beat the CompetitionIf you've heard the theory that businesses don't hire ...

Networking Tips that WorkOutside of keeping a positive attitude, networking is the most common tip given to job seekers. Do it well to gain referrals, leads, and advice. With hundreds of books, and countless blog posts, dedicated to networking, you’d think this topic would be easy for most to ...

History will record this time as the “Great Pandemic of 2020” when the world’s economy nearly ground to a halt at the hands of an invisible virulent pathogen.It’s naïve to say that the coronavirus may not impact a job search. But that’s all the more reason ...

If you’re a job seeker, this is not the time to adopt a retreat or wait-it-out attitude despite the outward signs. Yes, the current Covid-19 pandemic has extracted an enormous toll on the national and global economy and the ranks of the newly unemployed are swelling by the millions ...

“Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems.” – Gever TulleyIn the job search, making assumptions can be a dangerous thing. One assumption that might be especially dangerous right now would be calling off your job search because of the Covid-19 pandemic.Sure ...

Especially during the pandemic, getting someone’s help is often the biggest determinant of success or failure in the job search. If you had a productive informational interview, received some advice that led you to change your job-hunting strategy for the better, or were introduced to the right person at ...
Research is one of the most important things to do when you conduct a job search and prepare yourself for a job interview. Even if you have been in the industry for decades, you need to embark on a journey of discovery to find out what’s going on within ...

I want to discuss what’s called, rather mysteriously, “the hidden job market.” I’m not talking about some secret place. It’s simply a term used to describe at least 80% of available jobs and they are not posted or advertised.Instead, these jobs are filled through the hidden ...

A client turned down an offer a few years ago at one of Silicon Valley’s favorite employers, only to get recruited and accept a better position at that same company recently. Saying “no” the right way prevented her from burning bridges and led to a great opportunity.If you ...

What does the “Great Resignation” mean to employees, the people who have remained in their jobs but who may be thinking of greener pastures?More and more employees are in that position, as the Great Resignation shows no sign of abating. In September, 4.4 million people quit, setting a ...

There’s a critical shortage right now that is holding up many cloud and edge computing initiatives. No, I’m not talking about supply-chain problems leading to a temporary shortage of some materials. I’m talking about the shortage of talent. In 2017, Gartner predicted that half of all companies ...

In my job interview course, I’ve talked a lot about networking as a key part of any job search, and about its equal importance to the process of finding interviews. Whether you’re seeking formal job interviews or the informational interviews, networking is a time-honored and effective way to ...

There’s no better time to look for a new job than when you’re already employed. You’re getting paid, there’s nothing pushing you to look elsewhere other than your own desire to find greener pastures, and there’s no doubt that employers look more kindly on candidates ...

Why Always Updating Your LinkedIn Profile is Good for All Like it or not, LinkedIn is an indispensable part of the job search. But let’s say that you’re currently employed and not quite ready to disclose to one and all (and especially to your employer) that you’re ...

It’s a truism that the job search is a job unto itself. But if a truism is a statement that, while obviously true, adds nothing to the conversation, this may not be a truism after all, because it does add something to the conversation. In fact, the idea that ...

I often get requests for career help issues that are a bit unrelated to the common needs of resume writing and job hunting. One that I hear consistently is: “How should I handle stress and anxiety?”That’s a pretty broad area to delve into, but we’re not looking ...

With “Sustainability Analyst” appearing at number 13 on LinkedIn’s list of today’s fastest growing jobs, the weather is more than a topic of polite conversation for job seekers.LinkedIn defines the role as researching and tracking “an organization’s environmental impact to develop strategies, practices, and programs that ...

I’ve seen all sorts of creative ways people try to get ahead in their job search. I’ve seen people dive into unusual hobbies like beekeeping, volunteering in their community to meet new people, and even studying a new language to stand out to employers.One of the most ...

Finding Strength in the MusicI listen to music constantly - classical, rock, opera, jazz; you name it. When I'm writing, when I'm thinking, when I'm processing difficult emotions. The playlist shifts with my moods and needs, but the music is always there, providing support through every challenge. And when I sit ...