Career Resolutions for the New Year

Many millions are looking for a job and others want to improve their position. Here are a few resolutions you should make to get started:

- Get help with the resume. You’ve been saying, “I need help with my resume,” for long enough. This is the only document you will ever create specifically to improve your career trajectory. Find the right professional to help you get it right.

- Network with your network. Make the list of contacts you’ve been planning to create. Reach out to one person each day. Have coffee or lunch. Don’t appear desperate. Be helpful and supportive to others and they will be the same way to you.

- Analyze your goals. Tired of your current sector? List your skills, competencies, and training.  Looking for crossover careers where these characteristics will have value. You will identify new opportunities along the way.

- Take closer aim. Don’t send resumes out willy-nilly to dozens of companies day in and day out. You need to identify an area where your background makes you a compelling candidate.

- Study up for job interview. Everyone can interview better. It’s a matter of being able to talk to each point on your resume. The right professional resume writer will be able to prepare you for interviews using the resume itself, along with some communications tips.

- Work on your morale. Feeling good will persuade others to hire you. People like others who are pleasant to be with.  Kindness and smiling are magnetic. They convince people to want to be with you and hire you.

If you need an experienced resume writer and career coach to help you advance to the next level, I can help you craft a game plan and a resume to get you to your goal.


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