An Overture in Your Cover Letter

Rather than summarizing your resume, your cover letter should highlight your key qualifications. It should end with either a promise to contact the hiring manager to set up an interview, or an invitation to get in touch with you. If your letter is sufficiently appealing, the contact invitation will merely be icing on the cake.

Whether you invite the reader to call you for an interview or commit to making contact, consider including your phone number in the last sentence of your cover letter. In addition to placing your contact information at the top of the page, putting your number at the end of the letter is a call to action. Alternatively, remind the reader to contact you at your contact information listed above.

Be sure to include any specifics requested in the job posting. Some employers, for example, ask for salary requirements in the last paragraph of the cover letter. Of course, remember to express your gratitude for the reader's attention. If writing a cover letter is unsettling for you, don't hesitate to call on a professional resume writing service. These businesses can also usually handle preparing cover letters for you, also.

If you need an experienced resume writer and career coach to help you advance to the next level, I can help you craft a game plan and a resume to get you to your goal.


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