A Billion Job Seekers' Expectations

Jennifer Kushell of Your Success Network (YSN.com) recently appeared for an interview on ABC to discuss the outlook for more than one-billion young job seekers flooding the market. Her findings? Young workers are no longer the timid individuals unwilling to uproot as was once popular thought. In fact, according to Kushell more than 50% of workers new to the market are seeking positions throughout the world. Gone are the times of small-town returns, it would seem.

Kushell explains her support of broad exploration, experiencing a variety of economies, and really leveraging the wanderlust that appears so prevalently within individuals new to today’s workforce. While unemployment may be at the highest it has been in five years, Kushell has multiple techniques for coping with the new change. Most of her support is toward openness and a willingness to approach new opportunities from fresh angles.

This openmindedness is a direct influence of younger individuals new to the workforce and the need for corporations set in their ways to advance into more progressive thought. With so many industries hurting—pharmaceutical in particular—it comes as no surprise that Kushell sees positive outcomes from recent economical blunders. If anything, it would seem, younger workers new to the force have a unique opportunity to prove to the market that their talents and work ethic are up to par. Conversely these “millennials” are also demanding benefits that most take many years to acquire. These expectations can be difficult for corporations unwilling to alter their stances, but such is the momentum of the times. In a world that says change or get left behind, can corporations really expect to remain immutable? Your thoughts?

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