Career Advice Blog

Career Tips, Insights and Career Advice by Paul Freiberger

Job Search Success and Career Management


This week you'll find excerpts here from my e-book, Upshift Now! The Executive's Guide to Winning a Higher Position. The Cartography of Success: Career ManagementAccording to one job search and career improvement survey, people spend more time planning their vacations than their careers. The result? Vacations turn out ...

Upshift Now! Book Excerpt 1 Traps in the Job Search

For the next seven days you'll find excerpts here from my e-book, Upshift Now! The Executive's Guide to Winning a Higher Position. Despite the title, it's a book for anyone seeking help in a job search,  not just executives. Times are tough and I think we ...

A Billion Job Seekers' Expectations

Jennifer Kushell of Your Success Network ( recently appeared for an interview on ABC to discuss the outlook for more than one-billion young job seekers flooding the market. Her findings? Young workers are no longer the timid individuals unwilling to uproot as was once popular thought. In fact, according ...

Palin Teaches Resume Writing Lesson, Unintentionally

Resume writers take note: Sarah Palin's handlers had her shake hands with foreign leaders yesterday. It was a clear and important attempt to make her appear qualified to handle foreign policy issues. In fact, it was an effort to plug a loophole in her resume. She lacks foreign policy ...

Job Search Shortcuts

Today, I want to tell you about The Proactive Contact. You are ready with your resume. You've begun networking to identify opportunities. You're ready for another valuable tip: Focus. Narrow your search. Figure out exactly what you want. Think of it as if you were going out to ...

The Book that Launched this Blog: UpShift Now!

Your career consumes the largest part of your waking hours and shapes your habits of thought. It's part of your self-image. It can also bestow huge rewards. This book shows how to navigate your career and maximize those rewards, and ultimately achieve the life you want. Upshift Now! will ...

Didn't get the job? Think of yourself as a silver medalist

The reason is probably beyond your control. The employer may have made the wrong choice. It happens every day in every town and city in the nation. You may have come in a close second. You don't know who beat you. You may, in fact, have greatly impressed the employer ...

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