Career Advice Blog

Career Tips, Insights and Career Advice by Paul Freiberger

Facebook Proves that It's Less than Six Degrees to a Job Connection

Attention job seekers: The world is smaller than we thought, according to research published by Facebook and the University of Milan, which also provides a twist on the theory, “Six Degrees of Separation,” published in 1967.At last, there’s some science behind job networking. This theory, based on a ...

Job Interview Preparation Pays and Pays and Pays

From the very beginning of the application process, you should be on a fact-finding mission. You should be learning about the company, the industry, the job, and how those three things fit together. You should be tailoring everything you do to what you learn, beginning with your resume. That same ...

Millennials Expert Offers Advice on Generation Y and Work Issues "There are smart ways to gain trust..."

The Millennial generation, our favorite generation to talk about. Will this be the first generation to be less well off than their parents? Will this be the generation that holds strong to their entitlement streak? Will the recession negatively impact their career trajectory? Do we truly understand what is important ...

Interview Preparation: Know Your Resume, and other key techniques

Some of the greatest help for your job interview will come from your résumé, believe it or not. A well-thought-out résumé will be an excellent source for hiring manager's questions, so be prepared to speak to any, and every, point you've placed-or had placed-on the document. Granted, hiring ...

Yahoo Engineers Should Take Their Resumes Seriously

Yahoo engineer resume writing advice

The headline above is intentionally provocative. I have friends at Yahoo who are facing job insecurity. Others have already been laid off. I've helped some with their resumes. Since I've written about technology for years, I'm comfortable with high tech resumes. I want to encourage all of ...

The Payoff in the Job Search

“What do you do?” It's one of the first questions strangers ask each other. That's because your career is you, to a large extent. It consumes the largest part of your waking hours and shapes your habits of thought. It's part of your definition. Your career can ...

When to seek out a professional resume writer

Job seekers might be tempted to go it alone when it's time to get their resumes in order. New grads might feel that there just isn’t much to say. Old hands might decide that they know their fields so well that writing resumes is simplicity itself. People who ...

Silly Job Interview

Have you ever suffered through a job interview? Who hasn't? For anyone who has had a job interview:

Five Words Not to Use On Your Resume

The job market is more competitive than at any time in recent memory. Sprucing up your resume is a good thing, whether you are employed or not. While you’re polishing up your resume, be sure to give it a through looking over to be sure you’re not inadvertently ...

Girl Scouting for Science, Math, and Engineering Careers

Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) is forging a new education partnership by teaming with Sigma Gamma Rho, a well-known African American sorority to promote awareness of potential careers in science, technology, engineering and math among African American girls and their parents. The National Science Foundation is sponsoring the initiative ...

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