Sales and marketing professionals may be able to sell ice to an eskimo, but sometimes they forget the importance of selling themselves with carefully developed and optimized resumes and LinkedIn profiles. It seems easier to sell a product than to sell ourselves. Some of the keys to developing a resume ...

Planning ahead for a new career? Or, at least daydreaming for the career you would love to afford? If owning a winery in California's wine country is your dream then you may be following a trend set by many celebrities, including: David Beckham, Santana, Bob Dylan, Joe Montana, and Nancy ...
Starting a fashion industry job search? Among your earliest tasks is to understand some basics in preparing a fashion industry resume, a daunting task even for seasoned professionals. If you are looking for an entry level fashion job you also need a professional fashion resume. Fashion industry job search tips ...

The job interview is not the place to confess your mistakes. It is not the time to demonstrate your weaknesses or let the interviewer know many of your faults. You will be asked about weaknesses, faults and mistakes for sure. These are traps, aimed at excluding you, and if you ...
The season of resolutions is upon us, but let’s not even go there. That’s not what your job search engine needs. Resolutions are a lot of work. They take willpower. They take energy. Sometimes they fizzle out at the first sign of the slightest trouble. So be it ...

It's easy to avoid the job search. It's tough to take action, but doing so gives you the opportunity to improve your situation. Set aside the excuses, of which there are many. The best way to job search is to be: 1) patient and 2) relentless. These days ...
When should you look for a job? The answer that’s come down to us through the ages, one that rings true to everyone who has ever ventured into the job market, is that the best time to be looking for a job is when you don’t need one ...
Many millions are looking for a job and others want to improve their position. Here are a few resolutions you should make to get started:- Get help with the resume. You’ve been saying, “I need help with my resume,” for long enough. This is the only document you will ...
Don't give up golf during your job search. I've found that my most successful clients at the job search game do two things well: 1) They are thorough and relentless in their job search, even following much of my advice, and, 2) They still make time for a bit of ...
The best cover letter advice and check list must include tips about how to conclude your cover letter, not just how to begin it. Your letter should entice the reader to examine your resume immediately, before moving on to the next applicant's. The ideal professional cover letter should end on ...