A key
part of the job search and interview process is selecting professional job
references. A study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that
references are one of the top three hiring techniques used by employers.
employers request job references either with a job application or during ...

The Best Job Search
Tool Isn’t an App or Spreadsheet.Are you tired of reading countless
self-help blogs in the quest for landing a job? Are you crumbling under the
weight of unemployment?
For millions, the waking nightmare
of unemployment, and even underemployment, feels like a never-ending cycle of ...

What’s in a Resume to Combat Age Discrimination?Once upon a time, in a place not far from here, workers who wished to stay with the same company for their whole working lives could have that wish granted. Yes, there were disadvantages, but promotions were predictable, companies rewarded seniority ...

How to Make the Leap Today, the average American worker will change careers three
times. Career longevity is no longer the norm. Meanwhile, the notion that a change in career is perfectly
acceptable, even admirable, is supported by the publicity afforded a long list
of well-known career-changers. Arnold Schwarzenegger goes ...

Thinking Big Begins with Big,
Important Baby Steps
For many people, the mental picture
of changing careers is a picture of abrupt change. It’s dramatic. One day
you’re a mortgage banker working the commercial loan desk. The next day, you’re
chatting with customers at your newly opened ...

We’re all only human. A great many job
applicants may feel otherwise, but that distinction applies even to those
members of the human race who conduct interviews. The interaction feels
painfully artificial, but human emotion inevitably plays a part in each hiring
If feeling plays such a part ...

you are job hunting, tax deductions may not be your top priority, but your
expenses may be deductible. If you can use those deductions, you’ll lower the
real cost of job
search services.
In other words, the real cost of getting professional help in your search is
lower ...

A career no longer
means a job with a single company and retiring with a healthy pension. Today,
career stability doesn’t even reflect staying in the same field. Career change
is the norm. Some of us have changed out of necessity, others out of personal
But career change ...

It would be nice to just flip a switch and land your dream job.
In reality, though, a job search is an ongoing process that networking is a
crucial part of. No one denies that, but few of us are flinging our caps in the
air about it.
Here are ...

Taking on Gender
Disparity in the Job Interview
For job applicants, the moment when an
interview turns to questions of salary has always been a difficult one, but the
State of California has joined some of its fellows in making that moment a bit
less fraught.
That relief comes in ...